Il giardino segreto di un fantasma

A ghost's secret garden

Perfection does not exist, as does eternal perseverance.

Opening a blog that talked about an illusory world characterized by nightmares then trapped in my paintings, personal reflections or the sharing of thoughts and works of other artists, has always been my dream. After all, why not merge all that is Illusorya into one space?
The farsighted parasite in the mind has the little vice of flattering me by giving me a banal, limited intelligence. And perhaps this fear has meant that all my projects, often, were interrupted without a reason.
With this premise I do not intend to give hope to my blog's wish for a long life, but lately I am of the opinion that every now and then we have to abandon doubtful evils and start in the most total instinctive way ... This is the reason for the initial sentence.

The Dollmaker's Lonely Party - Illusorya - Stefania Russo

In addition to the gloomy cheerful ghosts, in this mansion the rusted gates of that secret garden will finally open, clean and nicely tidy.
There will be a tall hedge of succulent carnivorous plants where the meanings of good and worst nightmares turned into illustrated works. Finally, I would dare to write, in response to those who hopefully asked me during my sporadic appearances to the public.
A small table where I and other artists will sit down for a short, but intense, Dream Interview dedicated to them. Possibly served with a good tea. Because the passion that gathers us does not sail in solitude, however much we crave it.
A fountain where you can drink the knowledge of a gloomy world, seen from the eyes of a simple soul. No frills or non-existent arrogance.
A rare flower as a straightforward reflection on this field of work. Where everything seems to have been served and revered, but few know the darkness, paradoxically always happy, behind it.
A space that is still narrow, hoping to be cultivated and admired, or simply visited in a flap of butterfly wings.
A heartfelt Thanks to those who visit this haunted mansion and adorn it with the smiles and love it needs.
To you, the honor of opening the gate of the Blog.


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Grazie di cuore a tutti voi, per l’incoraggiamento ed il pensiero! <3
(purtroppo non riesco a rispondervi singolarmente, ouch)


Seguirò il tuo blog con “vivo” interesse <3




Era da tanto che aspetto il tuo blog!!!! Continua così il tuo sito è molto bello!!



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